After my night shift, didn't sleep at all and left for Inter-SHA Athletics meet. It's the finals and I must say, I was a little nervous. Nervous cos my hotel's assigned sitting area was just in front of the finishing line. Kept telling myself not to trip and fall no matter what (very un-glamourous) and must definitely finish the run with a VOGUE-attitude face...even if I came in last.
Then my turn to 100m Men Masters (ie:Masters means I no longer can join the young people, I HAVE to compete with people my AGE; 35 and above...sob sob sob). Got down to my knees, ass up and then the gun shot went off. I ran and ran and ran. From the moment I started running, suddenly, I just couldn't hear any cheerings or screamings from the supporters from all hotels. I was so concentrating on the running that I had forgotten to look VOGUE and the thought of me tripping and falling on my face did not even cross my mind. I just wanted to catch up with the 1st runner who was split-second ahead of me.
I came in 2nd!!! I was not disappointed at all cos I didn't even think I could be in top 3 at all. I was so happy!!! The forever-high-spirited Conrad POM POM supported were cheering away! They were just so fantastic! They were cheering from all the way the start of the competition till the end of award presentation. 3 cheers for them!!!
After the race, one of my colleague told me my face look like SHIT! He described how I looked and from that, I pictured my eyes, nose and mouth were "sqaushed" together. Now imagine THAT! Gosh!!!!!! That's really really really UGLY!!!
By noon, the ZzzzzMonster had set in. I was like fighting for my life to keep my eyes open but everything around were just too exciting to miss. Trying to keep myself awake by eating bananas. In fact, I don't think I had so many bananas in my life before...had about 6 or 7. I will surely have no problem going to the toilet tomorrow.
My colleagues caught me cheering for a VERY CUTE opponent of ours, I shall not say his name eventho I managed to find out which department he works as well... not bad huh?. But shall never foget his number, "285"! What can I say??? 1st it's what I call "sportsmenship", 2nd he's just SOOOOOOOO cute!!! Even a few of my female colleagues thinks he's cute. *sigh* maybe should try top get him to join our hotel...hmmmmmm. Oh, he even took off his singlet, showing off his tattoo and firm *** and standing right in front of me. AIYO!!! Can die!!! *winks*
Then came the award presentation. They were giving out awards. The number of times our very close opponent's name mentioned were countless and they usually came in 1st. THAT had indeed dampened our spirits. It was clear to us who had won this year's SHA Athletics......or we thought. Some of our supporters (like my boss) had actually left before the announcement of the overall championship. I didn't blame them cos I, myself, was lying down falling asleep cos I thought there was nothing exciting anymore cos the winner will not be us.
Then the announcement. I think our very strong opponent were very confident they had won, we did as well. Their entire team (athletics and supporters were all crowding around the grand stand). 1st they announced the 3rd placing. We knew it could not be us...and true enough, it wasn't. Then they announced : "the 1st runner-up is......", we didn't hear our hotel's name, it was our opponent's name!!!!!! We started jumping, screaming, cheering (aiya...and all the happy things that you will do when you are happy). We had WON!!!!!!
The fatigue and whatever-Monster had disappeared! I joined in the jumping and screaming. We were thrilled and overwhelmed. I sweared I almost cried...hahahaha.
The feeling was GREAT! It wasn't so much about us winning for our hotel, it was the team spirit. I could tell that ALL the athletics had put in their best as a whole team, and for the whole team. 3 cheers for the athletics!
I'm going to train even harder for next year's Athletic meet cos the taste of winning was just soooooo sweet!
p/s : Fasle, don't be too hard on yourself! You had tried your best and YOU have definitely contributed a lot of points for us to gain back the trophy. Hope those bruises will fade soon. Get well!